The Undeclared War

The phone rings… “Have you got the sort of camera equipment a news crew would use? And can you play a Russian news crew in a new film we’re shooting?

And that is how EatSleep Media got involved with The Undeclared War, a Channel 4 drama series directed by Peter Kosminsky; he of White Oleandar, Wolf Hall and many other critically acclaimed films and drama series. Set in the near future, ‘The Undeclared War’ is a tale of a dystopian world where information is routinely manipulated.

EatSleep Media provided camera equipment to be used in the series as props, but also capturing footage that would go on to be used elsewhere in the series, training on how to use it for cast members and some of our team acted as a news crew filming in various different scenes.

ESM also provided a green screen space for filming TV news anchor footage to be used on newsroom screens in several key scenes. What can we say? We’re adaptable, dynamic, and ready to embrace new challenges, wherever they may come from.

The Undeclared War is now available to watch on demand on All 4.