#SupportingWelshBusiness Campaign

Lockdown was a difficult time for small businesses, with many struggling to make ends meet, but some found new and innovative ways of continuing to do business as best they could.

We wanted to do our bit to highlight the fantastic work and innovation of small Welsh businesses supporting their communities and each other. We couldn’t go out and film, so we taught people how to self-shoot and send us the footage.

The result is a celebration of some wonderful businesses from across Wales, all doing what they can to help people in their local community, or finding innovative, collaborative ways to carry on working in the toughest of times.

The video not only helped to promote those businesses and ours but also inspired other businesses across Wales to think outside of the box and find ways to continue their work.

This project was delivered as part of ESM's EatSleep Do More initiative to give back using our skills, experience, and resources.